Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cookies in the Parkinglot

Theres a little bar about 5 miles out of town an the corner of a paved road and a gravel road. Jared, a friend of mine, lives several miles up that gravel road from the bar.

Tonight as I was going to visit Jared, I slowed down for this corner. I noticed there was some old snow pack on the end of the gravel, but didn't think much of it. I made the corner off the pavement and began to accelerate. I heard the rear tires spin. I watched with surprice and fear as my car spun around on this little patch of snow pack. My headlights illuminating the bar and the cars in the parkinglot then the road and the cornfield on the otherside, around and around...

Eventually, I came to a stop facing the intersection I had just pulled off of. Since I was already at the bar, I figured i'd just step in for a beer. And try to stopp shaking.

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